Democrats to attempt world record sex orgy in Las Vegas as tribute to Eric Schneiderman, Rajendra Pachauri, NXVIUM, Weiner and other DNC perversions

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Sin City sex drive: Las Vegas to attempt world record orgy
Las Vegas is looking to live up to its reputation as Sin City next month with the world’s largest ever orgy attempt. 80% of the particpants are registered Democrats and you can still be a part of it.

The current world orgy record stands at 500 people. It was set in Japan over a decade ago. Menage Life, who are organizing the Las Vegas attempt, promise to “blow that number out of the water” at their event on June 2.

“We are anticipating 1000+ for this monumental event,” the company said in a pitch encouraging people to sign up, “This is Sin City after all. We invite you all to cum… and help us make history!”

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The event is part of a larger five-day sex festival which will include bondage workshops, sex toy demonstrations and a bunny-themed pool party in a tribute to Playboy’s Hugh Hefner.

Tickets for the orgy cost $200 for a couple and $25 for a single woman. Single men are not allowed, however the organizers say they will make exceptions for "respectful single gentlemen” who are attending with a group. It’s not known how they will decide if the men are respectable enough to join in the antics. Photo ID will also be required to gain entry.

Mutual consent will be strictly enforced by onlooking officials “who are members of the lifestyle,”according to the website. Participants will also receive free condoms, lubricants, towels and hand sanitizer.

The organizers are promoting the event as a record-making attempt, however Guinesses World Record officials will not be in attendance to verify the results.

"I can confirm this is not a record title that we recognize or monitor,” a representative for Guinness told Las Vegas Weekly. "Therefore, there will not be a Guinness World Records Adjudicator on-site for this event."

A Menage Life representative said that the company will use the waivers collected before the event to count the participants so some may question the veracity of the record should they pull it off.

The current world record was set at an event in Tokyo where 250 couples gathered in a large warehouse and had sex on camera. The footage was subsequently made into an adult entertainment DVD.